It is Sunday. It is Day 7. It is the beginning of the week that we end this madness. Ha. I kid! But...really...the end is in sight. This Friday will be the last day of the detox. I can't wait to be honest, I'm so tired of the stomach issues....the cramping is so painful. I'm ready for my normal tummy to return.
For breakfast, I had the puffed rice with berries and almond milk...it tasted a bit better today - maybe I didn't shake the carton well enough. Who knows. I am loving this breakfast a lot...I know I've said that already. I tried some warm water with lemon this morning at the advice of a friend - it's much nicer cooler, but the warm water is supposed to help...so I'll try it again tomorrow.

Just dropped the kids off at a birthday party at the movie theatre for a friend of theirs. This is E's first friend b'day party - he was so excited. I wish I could've gone - they are seeing Beauty and the Beast! My 2nd favourite Disney movie. (And if you're wondering, The Lion King is #1) Kind of wished I could've stayed to see the movie. =(

Got home and made a big beautiful salad.Lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, tomatoes and almonds with a light olive oil and lemon dressing. It was delicious. And because it was so big, it kept me satisfied for a while. The kids have their skating lessons this afternoon as well - so we will be at the rink for about an hour before dinner. Not sure what I'll be making tonight...but I'll be back in a bit to update you on our 7th Wild Rose Dinner!

So....I'm back - the kids had a fantastic time at the movie b'day party. E did so well at his first party and L loved the movie so much in 3D. Skating went great - L is doing SO well...skating in circles and going backwards, E was doing much better at getting up onto his feet. So...onto dinner time...I made a new chicken recipe - - Paprika Oregano Chicken along with corn pasta with tomatoes, yellow peppers & spinach and some asparagus. The chicken was delicious! We will definitely continue making it after the detox is over.
We watched the newest Once Upon A Time with the kids and had some popcorn. E said to me "It's not fun watching our shows. But it is fun watching it with popcorn" Ha! That was my cue to get popping those kernels. Ha.
Day 7, over and out!
Day 7 Weight
Me: 160.4 (Total -6.0lbs)
DH: 252.0 (Total -9.8lbs)
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