Breakfast again was the puffed rice with soy milk and berries - so yummy. I was duty parent at E's preschool this morning and I was so worried that my stomach would continue to give me trouble as it had been horrible first thing this morning. Thankfully, I was fine and had a great morning with my little man and his preschool friends.
For lunch, I switched it up a bit and had mixed peppers in an omelette, some cherry tomatoes, pear and cherries. Was a great lunch and kept me satisfied for most of the afternoon.
Dinner was salmon, brown rice and broccoli and cauliflower. Am really enjoying fish - on the detox you can eat as much fish as you want...so tonight we headed to Costco to pick up some more kinds. Was feeling great until we were getting into the car - my stomach started cramping and I felt terrible. This may have been the worst I felt over the past few days....it left me feeling exhausted and with a massive headache.

So - it is now 9:12 pm on day 4. I have just finished making L's lunch and am snacking on a plum and I am off to bed. These little eyes can't stay open much longer...and definitely need to rest this head ache...I think it's bad enough for some Tylenol...it's a-pounding!
Day 4 Weight:
Me: 163.3 (Total -3.1)
DH: 264.4 (Total -7.4)
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