The longest journey begins with a small step taken by a brave person. On my way to a happier and healthier ME!

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 1 - Game on!

So today is the day that I am starting all over! Going to track like a new member does...going to try and exercise as much as possible...going to lose this weight once and for all!

This is a hard post for me to write as it makes me feel very vulnerable. Talking about weight is always such a taboo topic. No one wants to disclose their weight, especially women. We are more likely to lie about our weight than our age, aren't we? At first I thought I would be too embarrassed to write this post as I had imagined in my head...But, I wanted this blog to keep me motivated and with that - posting pictures and my actual weight may help keep me accountable and keep me on track.

So, here is my before shot, taken this morning - the next pics I will get DH to take for me, so that the quality is better.

Keep in mind that I have not been seen in shorts since the summer of 2003. That is a full 8 years! I thought that I would wear these Lululemon shorts that I SO want to look good in one day while sweating in the yoga room....Wow - I can't believe I am posting these shots! {hiding face in embarrassment}

I weighed in this morning, which may make a significant difference in my usual weigh in on Wednesday nights...I am considering sticking to the Thursday morning weigh ins but I really LOVE my leader, Cindy on Wednesday nights. We'll see. So, 164 is where I am at right now...22.2lbs down from the beginning - but 9lbs heavier than where I was last July. So, Game On!

And to start it off - I began the Couch to 5K program this morning. Week 1 Day 1 had me on the treadmill for 25minutes - with a 5 minute walking warm up, run 1min, walk 1.5mins - a total of 5 times and then a 5 minute walking cool down. I found this very easy as when I was exercising on the treadmill I was up to about 15minutes running. I am excited to do this program and hope that by the end I can complete the 5km (30minutes) and perhaps even participate in a fundraiser like the CIBC Run for the Cure or even a race. Could you even imagine????

I've been very good with tracking today - and I think with the mother load of candy I had eaten the past few days, I am all candied out...I wasn't yearning for it at all - Proud of how many times I walked past the stash and didn't take a single thing.
I have a few other things I want to blog about, thanks to an e-mail I received from my sister in law yesterday...reminding me I can do this....but to think of the things that are hindering me.

I will leave you with a quote that was at the bottom of my C25K app while I was running:
The longest journey begins with a small step taken by a brave person.
Love it!

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