The longest journey begins with a small step taken by a brave person. On my way to a happier and healthier ME!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Decide to continue. Decide to Succeed. Decide to reach your goal."

That was the quote on my Week 3 Day 1 C25K screen yesterday morning. And although it's getting tougher as I go...I am deciding to that I will succeed....and reach my goals!

Yesterday morning, I dressed in my workout gear and got HoneyPie to school...but when I got home...I felt discouraged and unmotivated to get on to the treadmill to start week 3. I hadn't been able to find time on the weekend to I was a bit nervous about not running for a few days PLUS moving on to a harder week. But...I thought about it for a second...and got my ass on to the treadmill and did my run! And although it was a bit harder...I felt great during it...and after! Am looking forward to jumping on tomorrow and doing day 2.

This week has been pretty good so far, eating wise. As I mentioned, I went out for dinner with my sissy on Saturday - we both ordered Cashew Nut Chicken...SO YUMMY!...didn't eat all of it....and had TCBY frozen yogurt at the movies. A much better choice than popcorn...... Although, we did take the kids to see Puss In Boots on Sunday evening with a friend and her kids...I did eat a bit of popcorn and some peanut M&Ms.....BUT....I was good throughout the 2 weekend days so it was almost like a little reward....

Now I'm fully back on track...last night we had bowling, and usually we'll skip dinner and order some fries or something there...but I made dinner for ALL of us and we didn't eat a thing at the alley. It has really helped that I had made a double batch of the weight watchers soup. Had that a few times this week for lunch.

I'm proud of myself for truly sticking to this the past few weeks.
Found this today: It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.’
— Alan Cohen - - and eating crappy food that makes me feel crappy is no longer, watch out...Change is coming.

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