C25K week 3 is complete. This morning after basketball, my in-laws offered to take the kids home with them...so with DH having another basketball practice right after I decided I might as well knock off day 3. Got myself ready, headed downstairs and then remembered that the iPad was actually in the house (Usually DH takes it to work, and I run during the day)...so I went and grabbed it and proceeded to hook up Netflix to watch an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210. I started where I left, episode 6 of season 1 =D Wow...did watching something make the running so much easier and the workout go way faster! It was great! The max run was 3 minutes, with a total of 10 minutes running (although the app said I ran 15 minutes...2+3+3+2 DOES NOT = 15 The whole workout was 31 minutes long.
Week 4, I will probably start Monday, is a total of 34 minutes...with a 5 minute warmup|3min Run + 2 Walk|4min Run + 3min Walk (2 times)|3min run + 2min walk|5 min walking cool down. That's 14 minutes of running.
I haven't tracking as good as I should be so far this week...not sure why...just haven't. Will pick up my pen tomorrow morning and get back to writing everything down.
I will leave you with something that always makes me smile...and definitely helped me through my work out today.
I am a massive Dylan McKay fan....but definitely loved me some Brandon Walsh as the seasons progressed ;) YUM!
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